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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Prayer for Thursday, May 5

Prayers for Wisdom in Caring for the Poor and Oppressed

God of Wisdom, you know the human heart in ways we cannot fathom. We believe that you are grieved and angered at the way the poor are exploited and the marginalized continually oppressed by the powerful. We pray for wisdom in how to serve the least; in how to show solidarity with the forgotten and overlooked. There are poor among us and this should not be. Lead us in paths of Christlike discernment regarding the sharing of our resources. We confess that we desperately need your wisdom just to keep ourselves from being co-opted by the ploys of those who seek personal gain behind a facade of concern for others. Only in you can we find the guidance to navigate these waters, O Lord. You have the Words of Life, continue to translate them on the hearts of your people for the benefit of others. Hear the cries of the oppressed and open our ears as well, O God of Wisdom.

Assisting the poor is often a complicated issue; pray for wisdom regarding how best to work on behalf of the poor in this area and beyond. If possible, contact someone who works with these people on a daily basis. Pray for wisdom in their service and ask them what is going unaddressed. If the answer is something you can do, do it. If its a larger systemic issue, add this to the list of matters you bring before God in prayers for wisdom in our leaders.

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