Prayers for Wisdom in the Global Community
God of Wisdom, we confess that there is too much brokenness, too much pain, too much dysfunction, oppression, violence and exploitation in this world. We confess that we have allowed ourselves to become overwhelmed and, all too often, complacent. We repent and seek your forgiveness Lord. Grant us the wisdom to know how to lend our voices, our hands and our resources in your global ministry of reconciliation. We ask for discernment amidst a sea of voices which seek to mislead, misguide and misappropriate. Grant us the prophetic imagination required to envision the in-breaking of your kingdom in the darkest places. We seek your light in the darkness, O God of Wisdom.
Choose a few organizations working in some region of the world (governments, Christian mission agencies, disaster relief and humanitarian organizations, etc). Pray for God's wisdom and discernment to be poured out on leaders and workers in each of those organizations. In areas marked by internal struggle, violence and revolution, pray specifically for wisdom that leads to reconciliation.
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