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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Prayer for Thursday, May 19

Discipleship in Response to Poverty and Oppression

God Who Forms, we know that you hear the cries of the poor and oppressed. We know that you have compassion on the weak and mistreated. We trust that you care about those who have been denied justice. God we want these things to be true of us as well. If these matters are important to you Lord, they are important to us. Thank you Father. You are the God Who Forms good things. We pray for you to form, through us, communities of justice, pockets of resistance to the self-centered ways of the world and neighborhoods where no one goes without because everyone shares what they have.

It has been said that churches and individuals who focus on social justice tend to focus less on personal spiritual formation and faith and vice versa. I admit I’ve seen that played out...and I’ve also seen the two sides (action and contemplation) held together beautifully. One key to be a fully formed disciple is to recognize your natural tendencies and intentionally cultivate the other areas as well. So which are you? Is your default set toward Bible study and prayer? Or is your default set to social justice and action? Are you one of those rare people who naturally engages in both? Share your reflections and ask someone else about their own tendencies.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Mine is set to social justice and action. Thanks for reminding me to balance my focus.