Of course the "ancient journey" on this blog refers to the lifelong process of following Jesus; being transformed into his likeness, participating in and anticipating the full arrival of the Community of God (or Kingdom, reign, etc) and joining with Father Son and Holy Spirit in the recreation and reclaiming of God's good creation.
A large part of that, for me and my family, is the seeding of incarnational communities - planting churches. In addition to Christ Journey we have a growing community of people who partner with us in this endeavor through prayer, friendship and financial support. Each month I try to send out an update on our family and missional experiences. These updates are usually posted to facebook, christjourneylife.com, wellsbrothers.blogspot.com, journeywiththewells.blogspot.com and here on ancient journey as well.
There is now a link on the right hand column of this site that will take you to a page dedicated solely to these updates. I thought it might be helpful to have a place on this blog where all of our updates can be easily accessed at will. So, you'll notice the picture of a hand holding soil with a young plant growing...click that picture to be taken to the update page. You can also access it directly at ancientjourneyupdates.blogspot.com.
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